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Should EMS electrode stimulation be applied to muscle abd or tendon?

August 08 , 2024

      Functional electrical stimulation is commonly used in the clinic. When electrical stimulation is performed to improve muscle strength, where should the electrode be attached, that is, where should the stimulation site be?

    First of all, let's know how it stimulates muscles!  So we have to understand what a motor point is.
Motor point refers to the point at which neuromuscular stimulation has the lowest stimulation threshold.  After entering the muscle, the nerve branches to innervate the muscle fibers,   when stimulated at this branch point, it can cause the most muscle fiber contraction and the largest contraction response.
The lowest stimulation current can cause visible contraction.    

 The electrodes should therefore be sticky  to the points of motion or tenderness to induce the strongest muscle contractions with the lowest intensity of stimulation.


Our muscles are often innervated by peripheral nerves, and after peripheral nerve injury, muscle denervation will occur (denervation means that after peripheral nerve injury, the originally innervated skeletal muscle will lose its innervation). Denervated skeletal muscle will show muscle atrophy such as volume reduction and loss of contractile function,  Muscle fiber atrophy and extensive fibrosis, weakening the contractile function of the muscle, resulting in irreversible muscular atrophy, muscle strength is also decreased.  

   So in the early stage of denervation or non-denervation, we should stick  to the abdominal muscle.


Precautions for use: 

1. The physiotherapy electrograde tablets must be completely in close contact with the skin;
2. Clean the skin before use, and feel cool when using. At this time, attention must be paid to the output strength of the physiotherapy instrument, not too strong;
3. If the stimulation is too strong when using, such as strong tingling or burning sensation on the skin, the intensity of the physiotherapy instrument must be reduced;
4. The package of physiotherapy electric grade tablets is damaged, the electrode sheet is connected or the patch is damaged, and the electrode sheet is dry, it should not be used again, the damage is easy to cause electric shock, and too dry is easy to cause burns.

5. The electrode sheet can be reused in the correct storage, but can not be used by patients. If the electrode sheet is too dry or too wet, it is necessary to consider replacing the new electrode sheet, so as not to cause burns or cross infection due to changes in physical and chemical properties such as electrical grade sheet resistance;
6. If there is foreign body on the sticky surface of the electrode, please clean it in time and wipe it with alcohol. If there is too much foreign body, consider replacing it with a new one.
7. Do not use the electrode on damaged skin or local sore.

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