Product News

What is the difference between ECG gel and physiotherapy hydrogel ?

April 13 , 2024

Electrocardiogel and physiotherapy hydrogels are both colloidal substances used for medical or physiotherapy purposes, but their primary use and composition may differ. 


Electrocardiogram gel (ECG gel ) : This gel is commonly used in electrocardiogram tests to conduct electrical current between the skin and electrocardiogram electrodes. It must have good electrical conductivity to ensure accurate recording of ECG signals. Ecg gel is usually composed of ingredients such as water, salt and thickener to ensure good electrical conductivity and adhesion. 

Ecg gel is disopable use in medical usage. 

Physiotherapy hydrogels: These colloids are commonly used in physiotherapy, ultrasound therapy, electrical stimulation, and other physical therapy methods. Compared with electrocardiogel, physiotherapy hydrogels may focus more on skin moisturizing and conduction properties to ensure the comfort and effectiveness of treatment. Its ingredients usually include water, glycerin, polymers and preservatives, and are designed to provide good conductivity, adhesion and moisture retention. 

Hydrogel could be reusable 30-40tims , and could be made cool and hot pads , difference thickness and materials work with it on medical field . 


Both colloids are designed to conduct electrical current between the skin and electrodes, but their composition, use, and performance can vary depending on their intended use and our formulation. Every manufacturer's formulation of gel is difference ,that's why some quality and low quality , strong sticky and low sticky etc .


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